Lesson 9 - Where do you work?

Lesson 9 - Where do you work? / Ders 9 - Nerede çalışırsınız?


Taglar: LessonWherework

Başlangıç (Beginner) Düzey İngilizce Video Dersler - İlginizi çekebilecek başlıklar
Lesson 10 - What time is it?

Lesson 10 - What time is it? / Ders 10 - Saat kaç?

Lesson 11 - What day is it?

Lesson 11 - What day is it? / Ders 11 - Hangi gün?

Lesson 12 - How is the weather?

Lesson 12 - How is the weather? / Ders 12 - Hava nasıl?

Lesson 1 - Nice to meet you!

Lesson 1- Nice to meet you! / Ders 1 - Tanıştığımıza memnun oldum!

Lesson 2 - How are you?

Lesson 2- How are you? / Ders 2 - Nasılsın?

Lesson 3 - What does she look like?

Lesson 3 - What does she look like? / Ders 3 - O neye benziyor?

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